Introverted Quarantine

I’ve always thought of myself as one of those introverts who doesn't mind staying in and having a chill day or two (Who am i kidding? I could do a whole month) but being forced to stay inside is becoming a serious struggle of mine. It now feels like the longest year ever and the patience I once had for this new world order is hysterically laughing in my face, because I am indeed the joke. Trying to cope with constant unknowns and changes to our society are setting in uncomfortably and I want out now! 



Now I get it, working out may be getting old at this point and there are only so many places you can walk, however, keeping it fresh and new can really help. Finding new routes and discovering new grounds not only keep your mind clear but focused on a task. Just think of it as constructing direction in a time when you can feel completely lost in the unknown. 

Call a friend. If you're anything like me, you've been passing memes’ and videos like your life depends on it but nothing beats the actual conversation with the ones you consider close. Keeping these relationships may be vital to your mental health simply because our thoughts have the ability to replace the positive with the negative. It may be hard, but talk about future plans or simply have check ins and discuss your thoughts.



I mean this is a hardship everybody is facing but because I have voluntarily succumbed myself to being alone on most days, this is really starting to feel like cruel punishment. It gets to the point where my mind starts creating hundred foot waves that haven't taken a rest; and outright refuses to. To dealing with a global pandemic to a shit political system... I’m exhausted. However, I’ve found ways to ‘live’ in isolation to keep your spirit positive and active. Exercise your mind and body. Walking has kept me grounded these past couple of months. Miles of open road seem to make my inner peace smile.



Discover new music. Music is a powerful little tool that can control your mood and feelings towards specific situations. Try curating your own thematic playlist and share them amongst friends. The plus side is you get the opportunity to expand your music selection!

Listen to a podcast. Podcasts are new to me but there is nothing better than a good talk show to take your mind off of your own worries (maybe a little true crime to take the edge off). Finding new voices that align with your views and morals can be comforting and help you feel a sense of community. This just might replace the feeling of being alone. So grab a cup of water (or a shot glass) and hang with your virtual peeps for a few hours! When all else fails, take a nap, sis! The power of a nap has the ability to reset your system, heal parts of your body, and provide a boost in attitude when you need it most. Take a nap so deep that you wake up wondering what year you just transported yourself into. If naps seem out of reach try meditating or deep breathing for a few minutes in the comfort of your bed – or whatever place provides relaxation for you. Either way, let that brain rest and find rejuvenation in this practice.

As we enter into a new administration with president elect Biden, the anticipation for a REAL lockdown is underway, so keep these ideas close by or create your own. Either way, stay calm, stay safe, and please try your best to stay home!